Friday 14 January 2011

I am a mature, hardworking student who is hoping to excel in a fresh environment on this course. I am looking forward to experimenting with new technologies and being in a location surrounded by digital media opportunities. I have excellent time management and my ability to balance work with home responsibilities has been highly credited. I enjoy all aspects of design work from initial ideas to the final product. I especially enjoy creating graphics and coding websites and I love to combine these two aspects.
I have chosen a wide range of work to submit to provide evidence of my flexibility with projects. The work demonstrates a variety of software and techniques with various aims and target audiences. I decided to portray flexibility with projects in my portfolio to illustrate that I am able to undertake a series of different tasks to good effect.
My strengths include being able to appreciate exploring new software, as I relish learning new things. I enjoy being taught how to use new software, as well as discovering for myself new techniques and styles of working. I also have a consistent positive approach to new projects, am able to work independently and use constructive criticism to enhance my work.
My weaknesses mainly stem from my drawing skills; I would like to improve upon my drawing skills as much as possible on this course so I can apply them to more projects to provide a greater range of techniques.

Thursday 13 January 2011

This is a drawing I did for the beginning of a conceptual project exploring idea creation and development. I created a character based on the aesthetics of the shoes I was wearing. I used pencils crayons and tin foil.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

These are some of the final renders of the kitchen I created for the 3D Design unit in the first term of year two. I wanted a large, modern kitchen with a bright, fun theme so I chose vibrant colours to ensure that my target was met. I made it using 3DS Max.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

This is the final piece for the Concept Art unit from the first year (term 1). The aim was to create a character, environment and prop for a web-based Flash game. It is specifically aimed at 4-9 year old children and is non-gender specific. I used Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop to produce the image. I chose a palette of bright pastel colours to ensure that the product appealed to the appropriate target audience.

This is a website I am currently working on for the Working to a Brief unit. I have a client who wants a website with a blog and information on her crime fiction novels. Her aim is to be signed by an agent. She hopes that this will happen after potential agents have visited her website, which will have easy access to all her work.
This image is one of the examples I have created to show how the website would look. I did this using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator in the first term of year two.

This is the final piece of a magazine cover I created for the Digital Graphics unit in the second term of year one. The target audience is readers of MOJO magazine, which is primarily men in their late 20s. I wanted the cover to look like a real edition as much as possible, so I used the same language and formatting as the original.

Monday 10 January 2011

This is the final piece of a digital illustration I drew for the Digital Communication unit in the first term of year two. It is my personal representation of the Internet. It represents how the Internet is used in so many different ways, by so many different types of people all over the world. I chose an easy, slightly naive approach to the illustration style to represent how the Internet can look nice and friendly, but can be the opposite if you end up in the wrong place.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

These are the two final pieces of the Graphic Narrative unit from the third term of year two. I made two comic strips out of a basic story line. The first is with real photographs, which I made with Adobe Illustrator. The second is a drawing that has been scanned into the computer and coloured in Adobe Photoshop. I used actual comic book conventions to ensure that they fulfilled their purpose and looked near to professional standard.

The top image here is the final main page of my website from the Web Authoring unit I did in the third term of year one. The bottom two images are relevant development work, including the colour-way I created to produce an inspirational colour palette. The website's aim is to review media products for the 'What's On!' media company, which has a target audience of males and females in their 20s and 30s. I made the graphics using Adobe Photoshop and the website using Adobe Dreamweaver. 

These are some screenshots from the final animation I made in the 2D Animation unit. I made all the graphics in Adobe Illustrator and used Adobe Flash to create the animation. The animation is set to the song "Don't You' by I Fight Dragons, which is a catchy, upbeat pop-punk song. In the animation the zoo animals are seen dancing to this song in couples. I wanted the feel of the animation to be a cross between cute and humourous, so I gave the characters cute faces and made them do interesting dance moves.

This is a cartoon robot I created in my spare time, using Adobe Illustrator. It is a suggestion for a Valentines Day card aimed at a nerdy audience in their teens and twenties. 

This is a work in progress media player I designed for Flash development at college. Currently it is a graphic, however I will be turning it into a functioning media player later in the year. I created this in the third term of year one, using Adobe Illustrator. 

This is the final design for a Christmas card I created this winter in my spare time. I wanted it to have an icy, cold feel and look visually appealing. The target audience is cartoon fans, primarily early teens or younger. I created this using Adobe Illustrator.